Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jazwares Press Release & Urban Vinyl pics

With special thanks to Jazwares' PR representative Shannon, here are two, extremely high quality images of the Astro Boy figures from the Jazwares Urban Vinyl line, which they are calling “JUVIs” (a play on "Jazwares Urban Vinyl").

Sorry, Even though I was sent this information by PR representative for Jazwares, I have now been told to remove this post, because the images and press release had not yet been approved by Imagi. However, I was also told that when there is new info, AstroBoy World will be bringing it to you first.

My apologies to everyone. I hope no one got into any trouble over this! There was no reason for me to believe that that the information sent to me wasn't ok to share. But, hey, in my book, being told to remove materials from the Internet means that I have truly made it as a Webmaster!