Friday, May 9, 2008

Speed Racer is here!

The wait is over! The first major Hollywood adaptation of a classic anime has now been released to North American theaters. Speed Racer is here, and with its release comes a wave of coverage and interest in all things anime, including Astro Boy and other series released in the 60's.

Here are a few articles that have been popping up around the Internet.

'60s Japanese cartoons led to anime, new 'Speed Racer' film
- This article explores the origins of anime internationally and lists of a few of the more important and successful Japanese animated imports of the time.

SOFT POWER, HARD TRUTHS / America in Speed's rear-view mirror
- An interesting look at how Speed Racer was originally shaped by American culture.

Nostalgia for 'Racer' more than kid stuff - A really beautiful article about how Speed Racer was a deeper and more meaningful cartoon than others of its era.

Introducing anime - The filmmakers talk about their introduction to Speed Racer and anime.

Fast and furious - A fairly detailed article of what the movie is all about.

Speed Racer looks like no other movie that's ever been made. This could be the dawning of a brand new visual genre of film. Make sure you see it and judge for yourself. Expect a review on the movie right here very soon!